My Immortal Wiki

Marilyn Manson, also known as Marlin Mason, Charlyn Manson, Marlyin Munzon and Marylin Mason, was a goff band. In My Immortal, this band was mainly popular from the mid to late 1990's. In the 1990's, the band XBlakXTearX played on-stage with Marilyn Manson at a concert in Hogsmeade .

Marilyn Manson also seems heavily into merchandizing. Ebony owns a band towel and a door key; Willow owns a band T-shirt; and in the 90's, The Norse's office has a picture of him on the wall.

In real life, Marilyn Manson's singing career began a decade later. The song he is seen singing in My Immortal is '1996' from his second studio album, 'Antichrist Superstar'. Except the actual lyrics are "Anti people now you've gone too far, here's your Antichrist Superstar", not "jeus christ superstar".
